Altar of the Crucifixion at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Wednesday of the Twenty-ninth Week in Ordinary Time

Wednesday of the Twenty-ninth Week in Ordinary Time

We have been saved from slavery to sin, and have become slaves of righteousness.  When we read St. Paul mention that we are slaves in both cases, we might wonder what the difference is.  We're slaves either way, and with the strong sense of independence we have here in America, the idea of slavery doesn't sit very well.  However, slavery to righteousness is not a bad thing.  It means we are devoting our lives to righteousness, devoting our lives to Jesus Christ, as opposed to devoting our lives to living in sin and selfishness.  We are called to righteousness and we will be judged accordingly by God at the end of our days.  God is just and merciful, so it's not like He is going to be mean, but we still have to work at doing the right thing.  Christ will give us the grace. 

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